How to start your own office cleaning business

How to start your own office cleaning business

Having your own office cleaning business implies to your client that you have the skills, equipment and professionalism to take up their cleaning services effectively; by this, you easily get the patronage of larger companies. Even as a business there are some things you have to put in place to remain efficient and profitable.

Here you will learn about the processes involved in creating an office cleaning business and the strategies you have to put in place to remain efficient. As a business you have to make your client understand what you’re all about at first look; hence your brand must speak a lot about what you do. In starting an office cleaning business you have to follow the steps below:

  1. Create a business entity
  2. Obtain all essential legal licenses and insurance
  3. Get all necessary business equipment and supplies
  4. Create a brand that fully represents your business and its services

Before going into the steps in detail it is important to note that the cleaning industry has two market distinctions; the consumer and the commercial. The consumer cleaning industry primarily renders just a minor service while the commercial industry provides a wider service like the janitorial service and so on. We will focus more on creating an office cleaning business with a commercial market distinction.


Create a business entity

          Creating a business plan, structure and a name is the very first thing you need to do when establishing your own cleaning business, also in this phase, you have to decide if you want your business to be a commercial or consumer market service provider. After creating your business name you have to do the following:

●       Register your business name under the state you function

●       Register your business legally under the federal government jurisdiction.

●       Obtain legal insurance plus the federal and state tax IDS

●       Open a registered business account

By doing the above your office cleaning services soon becomes a registered business entity under the state and federal government; however, there are still a lot more to be done. Creating legal insurance and a tax identity will help protect your business and your client where needs are.

Obtain all essential legal licenses and insurances

            After establishing your business as an entity under the state and federal government, you need to obtain a business license and insurance. Some key licensing includes the Vendor’s license and the Sales tax certificate. A vendor license will allow you to sell your cleaning services to your customers and a sales tax certificate will ensure that you avoid tax evasion.

            On insurance, you have to work with an insurance company, that has a space for the cleaning industry and that will help you effectively cover: General and Umbrella liability, property insurance and BOP, workers compensation and commercial Auto insurance.

Get all necessary business equipment and supplies

            After obtaining your license and insurance, the next step is to gather all the necessary equipment and supplies that would be useful for your office cleaning business. After gathering them you should make sure you have an effective means of transporting them to where they are needed at any point in time.

Create a brand that fully represents your business and its services

            The last thing on the list is creating a business brand which must fully represent the services you render. You can do this by creating a business logo, a website, an advertisement campaign, a business blog etc. this will further portray a good business image to your client.


Today, many companies seek for the services of a commercial cleaner, and to be more preferred you have to be special and unique and one way of doing that is by creating a business entity for your cleaning service.

3 Gleem Home / House cleaning staff members inside a  homeroom wearing  purple aprons, white t-shirts with white Gleem logo and yellow rubber gloves on hands holding a cleaning brush, vacuum cleaner and  a mop.