DIY dishwasher clean (1)The dishwasher, saving our bacon since around 1950. Yep, this truly is a miraculous, time-saving piece of machinery. But, many of us forget that it needs some TLC too if we want to be sure our dishes are really getting scrubbed.[caption id="attachment_218" align="aligncenter" width="373"]

If anyone has a dog, they'll know this sight very well![/caption]Many of us are flummoxed by this as considering its function, we automatically assume the dishwasher to be self-cleaning. Yet shockingly, a 2011 study found that 62% of dishwashers across 6 continents tested positive for fungi - ��lovely news!Gleem will be looking at a number of solutions as to how to deal with this problem over the next few weeks. Our first fix��being...The Baking Soda Bomb:By far the most fun option, with the��crafting involved we are massive fans��of this approach. The recipe involves��2 cups baking soda,��3 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide and��20 drops of lavender oil.Mix all together and shape into balls, rest overnight to set and leave in the bottom rack. Combine 2 cups vinegar and 1 tablespoon detergent and place on bottom��rack. Put your dishwasher on and wait and see/hear!Keep an eye out over the��next week, when we'll be continuing our focus on dishwasher cleans.Happy Gleeming!