Simple Cleaning Hacks By Gleem
How To Unblock A Sink
Unblocking a sink: oddly a very satisfying task
Blocked sinks: a perennial problem impossible to ignore!
This phenomenon is extremely easy to cause but also easy to undo, particularly with the help of those cupboard staples: vinegar and baking soda.
Follow these quick steps to purify the u-bend ASAP!
1. Boil a kettle of water and pour down the sink
2. Pour some bicarbonate down the sink until the plug is covered
3. Add 1/2 a bottle of (cheap!) vinager… probably lying around from that last jaunt to the fish and chip shop.
***Watch the spectacle***
4. Finally, pour another kettle full of hot water down the plug hole to remove any remaining residue.
And there you have it – the whole process will take you no longer than five minutes, and we at Gleem can verify it’s a very fulfilling activity. The chemical reaction of vinegar and baking soda is a sight to behold!
Happy Gleeming
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