How do you safely disinfect house during house cleaning?

How do you safely disinfect house during house cleaning?

Keeping your house clean is one thing and keeping it disinfected is a different concept altogether. Disinfection for a long time has been related to chemicals and feared methods of doing it. In this article, we will cover how to disinfect your house without fear of your safety:

Start with soap and water
In the case you are dealing with easy or light germs, using hot soapy water is your best bet. With such and a relatively rough rug, dirt comes close together and can be put in its place easily. Using these methods, you do not have to worry about your safety. Use this method for your floors, countertops and household surfaces.
Have you tried baking soda?
Soda is not a direct disinfectant, but when combined with agents like vinegar it becomes a natural cleanser. Baking allows for mixing with water, and when done correctly it can act as a scouring powder. With this agent, one can also sort our dirt on cooking surfaces and appliances and make them clean. You can use the baking together with lemon juice to polish metal. Vinegar, powder, and lemon can serve as a way to unblock a drain. This can easily be applied by bare hands and do not worry about your hands wearing.
Use of natural oils like Tea Tree Oil
This tree comes from a tree that exhibits the ability to fight bacteria and fungi. Tea tree oil commonly used in cosmetics and skin care mixed with water is a good house cleaning solution. Applying this mixture when cleaning countertops and tiles. You do not have to worry about this oil as it is a solution for treatment of injuries in children.
Hydrogen Peroxide is a safe disinfecting
As much as it is used as a healing agent, hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove stains on carpets and clothes when mixed with vinegar. Hydrogen peroxide can be used for the removal of scum water could have caused on tubs, sinks, and tiles. The good thing about hydrogen peroxide and water solution is its mild scent. A homemade or special spray bottle with the solution can be used to spray off dirt and make cleaning for you easy. Have the bottle dark and opaque then cover areas sprayed to avoid killing the cleaning the agent could have on the hydrogen peroxide.
Vinegar is a common cleaning solution
Vinegar is a jack of all uses. Vinegar has been used for widespread home purposes. Vinegar, however, has a strong scent. It has the anti-microbial features that allow it to fight mold growth. With vinegar and a soft cloth, you can wipe glass and stainless steel. If you are worried about the kind of vinegar am talking about going for the traditional plain distilled vinegar.
The above methods will surely leave a neat feature on most of the delicate surface. You do not have to worry about shopping for chemical-based disinfectants to kill germs on your items.

3 Gleem Home / House cleaning staff members inside a  homeroom wearing  purple aprons, white t-shirts with white Gleem logo and yellow rubber gloves on hands holding a cleaning brush, vacuum cleaner and  a mop.