Starting social media and finding our feet
Social media is a powerful tool: free access to a HUGE number of potential customers. But how do you use it correctly?[caption id="attachment_315" align="aligncenter" width="354"]

The circle of social media[/caption]I did research into other local cleaning companies and found that they all seem to post, tweet, comment links to their websites�?and that⫪s it�?not particularly inspiring.I opted instead to ⫘become the expert⫪: I bought a Readers Digest encyclopaedia of ⫘Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things⫪, and set searching through it, identifying tips and tricks that could be distilled down to the 140 character twitter limit.I invested 3 full days into the process, but at the end had 6 months of tweets scheduled into Hootsuite, waiting to go out, one per day, and differing times. The campaign had limited success: I did gather some new followers, but no bookings.I decided to start speaking to some contacts I had: in particular Wriggle. Wriggle is an app that offers last minute offers to great independent bars and restaurants across Bristol and their social media interaction was awesome.We realised that tips of the day, although useful, was actually pretty bland and so set out establishing a strategy and schedule to our social media, integrating a variety of them, including Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.We wanted to become ⫘popular⫪.The aim for Gleem isn⫪t to promote our deals, our offers and to directly aim for sales. We instead want to be an educational, interesting presence. If people like what we read, relate to it, and appreciate it, then hopefully, if they do ever need a clean, instead of searching Google (the modern equivalent to flicking through the yellow pages), they⫪ll think of Gleem and search for our website instead!So, we have hired a new Head of Marketing to take care of everything that 'marketing' means.We came up with a��strategy, we push the right type of content (images, longer posts, short videos, etc) across the right mediums, and by maintain a variety to the content, we (hopefully) maximise our reach to relevant people.
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