Introducing Blue Spruce Maids

Introducing Blue Spruce Maids

This is install 4 of Gleem ‘introducing': our efforts to find other cleaning companies that have a similar outlook in the cleaning industry to oursleves!

Blue Spruce Maids: are another cleaning company. Our owner Joe has been talking with their owner about how to do cleaning…differently.

Blue Spruce maids have a ‘twist’…so what is their twist?

They asked their customers: Do you hate that chemical smell most cleaning products have?
Sure, it smells clean, but this is your home, not a hospital or corporate office.
That’s why we start with unscented cleaners that we then infuse with Essential Oils.
This leaves your home smelling natural and refreshing!

What a terriffic idea!

3 Gleem Home / House cleaning staff members inside a  homeroom wearing  purple aprons, white t-shirts with white Gleem logo and yellow rubber gloves on hands holding a cleaning brush, vacuum cleaner and  a mop.